
By Resonate | June 13, 2020

A highly respected name in the 140bpm community, Commodo’s crisp and refreshing production style is admired by many. His tracks experiment with crunchy textures and percussive intricacy while never distracting from the bass at the heart of them. After many releases on the prestigious Deep Medi label, the Sheffield based producer doesn’t shy away from exploring the elucidation of dubstep today. He states his nonconformity to current expectations through a rich and skilful discography and unbound live sets. His latest release Loan Shark is the title track from his forthcoming and embodies classic Commodo but adds a creeping bassline and warping motifs. Though famously he keeps a low profile, his records flow throughout the UK underground scene, and when the clubs finally re-open, this is sure to be rinsed on the dancefloors.

Fine more Fuck The Charts, here.